leroban adalah makanan khas suku oseng , yang mana terbuat dari kelapa yang sudah tua ,
awal pembuatannya adalah dengan dikupas , kemudian diparut seperti biasa , proses selaNjutnya adalah dengan menginjak injak parutan kelapa tersebut , hingga merata , kemudian dipanaskan sehingga muncul sari patinya itulah yang disebut leroban ,
Senin, 22 Agustus 2011
Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011
usik(unik dan asik)
7 Makanan Yang Dapat Menurunkan Emosi Dan Stress
Bila Anda orang yang emosian atau gampang stress bila memikirkan suatu masalah hidup atau masalah di tempat keja Anda, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah tenangkan diri dan memikirkan jalan keluar dengan kepala yang dingin.
Untuk Anda harus mempunyai tempat santai yang nyaman untuk Anda bersantai serta di tambah dengan makan-makan yang membuat Anda menjadi lebih sanati.
Dan berikut 7 makanan penghilang stress dan penurun emosi Anda, sbb:
1. Yoghurt
Tidak hanya membantu melancarkan pencernaan, yoghurt juga bisa meningkatkan kandungan serotonin dalam otak yang bisa menurunkan tingkat stress, dan juga membuat Anda merasa tenang. Cobalah dengan yoghurt berbagai rasa agar tidak bosan.
Untuk Anda harus mempunyai tempat santai yang nyaman untuk Anda bersantai serta di tambah dengan makan-makan yang membuat Anda menjadi lebih sanati.
Dan berikut 7 makanan penghilang stress dan penurun emosi Anda, sbb:
1. Yoghurt
Tidak hanya membantu melancarkan pencernaan, yoghurt juga bisa meningkatkan kandungan serotonin dalam otak yang bisa menurunkan tingkat stress, dan juga membuat Anda merasa tenang. Cobalah dengan yoghurt berbagai rasa agar tidak bosan.
Posted in
7 Hal yang Wanita Benci dari Pria
Ada sejumlah sifat dan perilaku khas pria yang tidak disukai wanita.
VIVAnews - Wanita mengagumi pria karena berbagai alasan. Entah itu, perhatiannya, tubuh tegapnya, atau kecerdasannya. Namun, ada sejumlah perilaku khas pria yang tidak disukai wanita.
Ingin tahu apa sajakah itu? Simak hasil wawancara sekelompok wanita yang menyatakan hal paling dibenci dari pria, seperti dikutip dari laman Idiva:
1. Ego tinggi
Banyak wanita berharap, pria sedikit menurunkan egonya. Banyak wanita beranggapan, pria selalu tak ingin disaingi wanita, tidak rela jika wanita memiliki kemapuan lebih darinya. Continue reading →
VIVAnews - Wanita mengagumi pria karena berbagai alasan. Entah itu, perhatiannya, tubuh tegapnya, atau kecerdasannya. Namun, ada sejumlah perilaku khas pria yang tidak disukai wanita.
Ingin tahu apa sajakah itu? Simak hasil wawancara sekelompok wanita yang menyatakan hal paling dibenci dari pria, seperti dikutip dari laman Idiva:
1. Ego tinggi
Banyak wanita berharap, pria sedikit menurunkan egonya. Banyak wanita beranggapan, pria selalu tak ingin disaingi wanita, tidak rela jika wanita memiliki kemapuan lebih darinya. Continue reading →
7 Hal yang Seharusnya Ibu Baru Tahu
BAGI seorang ibu baru, kehadiran bayi menjadi momen yang membahagiakan sekaligus membingungkan. Mengapa setiap dua jam dia harus diberikan ASI, mengapa dia buang air besar dan kecil lebih dari tiga kali, mengapa napasnya bunyi saat tidur? Itu merupakan beberapa pengalaman asing bagi seorang ibu baru.
Agar tak bingung, simak yuk penjelasan dr Robert Soetandio, SpA. MSi. Med, dari Rumah Sakit Awal Bros Tangerang.
Bayi baru lahir biasanya tidur selama 16-20 jam yang dibagi menjadi empat sampai enam periode. Pola tidur bayi masih belum teratur, karena jam biologis yang belum matang. Tetapi perlahan-lahan akan bergeser sehingga lebih banyak waktu tidur di malam hari dibandingkan dengan siang hari. Continue reading →
Agar tak bingung, simak yuk penjelasan dr Robert Soetandio, SpA. MSi. Med, dari Rumah Sakit Awal Bros Tangerang.
Bayi baru lahir biasanya tidur selama 16-20 jam yang dibagi menjadi empat sampai enam periode. Pola tidur bayi masih belum teratur, karena jam biologis yang belum matang. Tetapi perlahan-lahan akan bergeser sehingga lebih banyak waktu tidur di malam hari dibandingkan dengan siang hari. Continue reading →
7 Hal Yang Tidak Boleh Dibicarakan Kepada Anak
1. Jangan membuat janji atau ancaman.
Menjanjikan hadiah, hukuman, atau ancaman dan tidak menepati ucapan Anda sendiri akan membuat si kecil kehilangan rasa kepercayaan atau merasa bisa menyepelekan arti kata-kata Anda. Lebih parahnya, ia bisa melakukan hal-hal negatif untuk mendapatkan perhatian Anda.
2. Jangan berpikir kebohongan putih akan berhasil.
Seperti siapa pun di dunia ini, anak-anak pun berhak mengetahui kebenaran. Begitu pun ketika anda membuat janji atau rencana, dan janji itu tidak berhasil terpenuhi, jujurlah dan kompromikan langkah berikutnya (entah dengan menyusun ulang jadwal, atau lainnya). Anak-anak akan merasa kecewa ketika mendapati rencana awal gagal, namun kemudian akan mereda. Setidaknya Anda tak perlu takut akan kemungkinan kebohongan Anda terbongkar, karena Anda tak berbohong. Anak-anak pun harus belajar bahwa tak selamanya rencana itu akan berjalan mulus, dan bisa jadi fleksibel. Continue reading →
Menjanjikan hadiah, hukuman, atau ancaman dan tidak menepati ucapan Anda sendiri akan membuat si kecil kehilangan rasa kepercayaan atau merasa bisa menyepelekan arti kata-kata Anda. Lebih parahnya, ia bisa melakukan hal-hal negatif untuk mendapatkan perhatian Anda.
2. Jangan berpikir kebohongan putih akan berhasil.
Seperti siapa pun di dunia ini, anak-anak pun berhak mengetahui kebenaran. Begitu pun ketika anda membuat janji atau rencana, dan janji itu tidak berhasil terpenuhi, jujurlah dan kompromikan langkah berikutnya (entah dengan menyusun ulang jadwal, atau lainnya). Anak-anak akan merasa kecewa ketika mendapati rencana awal gagal, namun kemudian akan mereda. Setidaknya Anda tak perlu takut akan kemungkinan kebohongan Anda terbongkar, karena Anda tak berbohong. Anak-anak pun harus belajar bahwa tak selamanya rencana itu akan berjalan mulus, dan bisa jadi fleksibel. Continue reading →
Hari-Hari Seorang Suami
Senin :
Seseorang mencuri semua kartu kredit milik saya, tapi saya tidak melaporkannya.
Maling itu tidak menguras uang sebanyak istri saya.
Selasa :
Saya bertanya kepada istri,”Sayang, tempat mana yang terbaik untuk merayakan hari ulang tahun pernikahan kita?” Dia menjawab, “Cobalah tempat yang belum pernah saya kunjungi.” Nah, malam itu saya mengajaknya ke dapur.
Rabu :
Kalo bepergian, kami selalu bergandengan tangan. Hari ini saya lepaskan tangannya, tau-taunya dia malah ngacir ke Sogo.
Kamis :
Istriku paling senang membeli barang yang ditandai TURUN. Hari ini, dia membeli sebuah eskalator.
Jum’at :
Hobi istri saya hanyalah BELANJA, BELANJA, dan BELANJA.
Minggu lalu dia jatuh sakit selama seminggu, tadi saya dengar ada tiga butik akhirnya bangkrut..,hehheeheh
Seseorang mencuri semua kartu kredit milik saya, tapi saya tidak melaporkannya.
Maling itu tidak menguras uang sebanyak istri saya.
Selasa :
Saya bertanya kepada istri,”Sayang, tempat mana yang terbaik untuk merayakan hari ulang tahun pernikahan kita?” Dia menjawab, “Cobalah tempat yang belum pernah saya kunjungi.” Nah, malam itu saya mengajaknya ke dapur.
Rabu :
Kalo bepergian, kami selalu bergandengan tangan. Hari ini saya lepaskan tangannya, tau-taunya dia malah ngacir ke Sogo.
Kamis :
Istriku paling senang membeli barang yang ditandai TURUN. Hari ini, dia membeli sebuah eskalator.
Jum’at :
Hobi istri saya hanyalah BELANJA, BELANJA, dan BELANJA.
Minggu lalu dia jatuh sakit selama seminggu, tadi saya dengar ada tiga butik akhirnya bangkrut..,hehheeheh
Selasa, 25 Januari 2011
kadang hidup memang penuh tantangan.....
ikhlas aza..,
enjoy dengan hidup,,,
istilah bule life so free...
ikhlas aza..,
enjoy dengan hidup,,,
istilah bule life so free...
gili trawangan
Arcing away from the northwest corner of Lombok, the Gili Islands are three idyllic atolls where the sand is still powdery white, the water a clear sparkling turquoise, and the sunsets over Bali’s Agung in the west simply spectacular.
Home to the largest Irish bar on the smallest island in the world, an authentic Japanese sushi restaurant, a turtle hatchery, ominous sounding dive sites like ‘Shark Point’ and miles and miles of white sandy beaches, Lombok’s Gilis, make a surprisingly ideal getaway destination. Getting there is easy and whichever way you chose, you will be guaranteed to see some of Bali and Lombok’s breathtaking scenery.
No motorised transport
Fortunately all three Gili Islands will not permit any type of motorised transport on them and therefore rely on bicycles or horse and carts, locally known as ‘Cidomos’. Bicycles can be rented from any of the kiosks and cost from around Rp20,000 an hour, or better value, ask for the daily rate. Cidomos (local horse and carts) are easily located all over the islands but tend to hang around the harbour and busy spots, arrangements can be made if you are staying in a more remote place on the island, for instance a late ride home…. Haggling is the norm, and always agree a price before your journey.
Although originally discovered by backpackers in the mid eighties, and with a reputation as a party destination, Gili Trawangan now boasts itself as a great destination suitable for families of all ages. Various new hotels, luxury villas, and boutique bungalows now cater for children and offer good value, some have baby sitting services, and with lots of activities on the islands families are sure to enjoy their holidays to the full.
Swimming and Snorkeling
The best places for snorkeling and swimming are along the main beach areas,
Masks, fins and snorkels can be rented by the hour or day, from any of the 7 PADI and SSI dive centers or the kiosks in the street. Glass bottom boat trips around the three Gili islands are available and cost around 150,000rp per person. You can see all types of marine life just by snorkeling including many fishes and corals and of course lots of turtles, but please be careful not to touch the coral.
Please Note; Do not try to swim between any of the 3 Gili islands as the currents in the channel can be unpredictable and very strong.
Money matters
There is now an ATM machine at Hotel Villa Ombak on Gili Trawangan open 24 hours, all the dive centers and bigger hotels accept Visa and MasterCard credit cards with an additional 3% bank charge, cash advances at 10% are available in many places. Money changers will cash traveler’s checks and currency but at a lower reduced rate than on the mainland.
All three Gilis islands now have their own PLN electric generating stations and have power 24 hours a day, however in the peak seasons this can be put under strain particularly late afternoon and early evening. A number of businesses now have their own generators such as the larger hotels and restaurants so as to avoid the problem, and usually power cuts or ‘mati lampu’ only last a few hours, although sometimes can last up to a few days.
There are a number of internet cafes on Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili air all charging approximately the same, (around Rp400 per minute) although all operate at different speeds. For telephone calls the best place to use is the Wartel, located next
to the art market.
Crime, safety and health
Generally there is very little crime on the Gili islands, however no where is 100% free of petty crime. As with any where in the world you travel its best to leave your valuables in your room, and ideally in your hotel safe. If you do have any problems on the island report them to the Head of the Island (Kepala Desa) at the Satgas office, located opposite the Harbour. There is a new 24 hours clinic at Hotel Vila Ombak on Gili Trawangan that has a doctor and nurse on call that can deal with minor injuries and problems, and can also dispense certain prescription drugs.
The Wallace line
Sir Alfred Russel Wallace, the so-called father of animal geography, formulated his ideas on evolution by natural selection while observing and collecting wildlife in the islands of Southeast Asia. He was particularly impressed by the sudden difference in bird families he encountered when he sailed only twenty miles east of the island of Bali and landed on Lombok.
On Bali the birds were clearly related to those of the larger islands of Java and Sumatra and mainland Malaysia. On Lombok the birds were clearly related to those of New Guinea and Australia. He marked the channel between Bali and Lombok as the divide between two great zoo geographic regions, the Oriental and Australian.
In his honor this dividing line, which extends northwards between the islands of
Borneo and Sulawesi, is still referred to today as Wallace's Line.
The very first island of the Australian region is Gili Trawangan.
Home to the largest Irish bar on the smallest island in the world, an authentic Japanese sushi restaurant, a turtle hatchery, ominous sounding dive sites like ‘Shark Point’ and miles and miles of white sandy beaches, Lombok’s Gilis, make a surprisingly ideal getaway destination. Getting there is easy and whichever way you chose, you will be guaranteed to see some of Bali and Lombok’s breathtaking scenery.
No motorised transport
Fortunately all three Gili Islands will not permit any type of motorised transport on them and therefore rely on bicycles or horse and carts, locally known as ‘Cidomos’. Bicycles can be rented from any of the kiosks and cost from around Rp20,000 an hour, or better value, ask for the daily rate. Cidomos (local horse and carts) are easily located all over the islands but tend to hang around the harbour and busy spots, arrangements can be made if you are staying in a more remote place on the island, for instance a late ride home…. Haggling is the norm, and always agree a price before your journey.
Although originally discovered by backpackers in the mid eighties, and with a reputation as a party destination, Gili Trawangan now boasts itself as a great destination suitable for families of all ages. Various new hotels, luxury villas, and boutique bungalows now cater for children and offer good value, some have baby sitting services, and with lots of activities on the islands families are sure to enjoy their holidays to the full.
The best places for snorkeling and swimming are along the main beach areas,
Masks, fins and snorkels can be rented by the hour or day, from any of the 7 PADI and SSI dive centers or the kiosks in the street. Glass bottom boat trips around the three Gili islands are available and cost around 150,000rp per person. You can see all types of marine life just by snorkeling including many fishes and corals and of course lots of turtles, but please be careful not to touch the coral.
Please Note; Do not try to swim between any of the 3 Gili islands as the currents in the channel can be unpredictable and very strong.
Money matters
There is now an ATM machine at Hotel Villa Ombak on Gili Trawangan open 24 hours, all the dive centers and bigger hotels accept Visa and MasterCard credit cards with an additional 3% bank charge, cash advances at 10% are available in many places. Money changers will cash traveler’s checks and currency but at a lower reduced rate than on the mainland.
All three Gilis islands now have their own PLN electric generating stations and have power 24 hours a day, however in the peak seasons this can be put under strain particularly late afternoon and early evening. A number of businesses now have their own generators such as the larger hotels and restaurants so as to avoid the problem, and usually power cuts or ‘mati lampu’ only last a few hours, although sometimes can last up to a few days.
There are a number of internet cafes on Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili air all charging approximately the same, (around Rp400 per minute) although all operate at different speeds. For telephone calls the best place to use is the Wartel, located next
to the art market.
Crime, safety and health
Generally there is very little crime on the Gili islands, however no where is 100% free of petty crime. As with any where in the world you travel its best to leave your valuables in your room, and ideally in your hotel safe. If you do have any problems on the island report them to the Head of the Island (Kepala Desa) at the Satgas office, located opposite the Harbour. There is a new 24 hours clinic at Hotel Vila Ombak on Gili Trawangan that has a doctor and nurse on call that can deal with minor injuries and problems, and can also dispense certain prescription drugs.
Sir Alfred Russel Wallace, the so-called father of animal geography, formulated his ideas on evolution by natural selection while observing and collecting wildlife in the islands of Southeast Asia. He was particularly impressed by the sudden difference in bird families he encountered when he sailed only twenty miles east of the island of Bali and landed on Lombok.
On Bali the birds were clearly related to those of the larger islands of Java and Sumatra and mainland Malaysia. On Lombok the birds were clearly related to those of New Guinea and Australia. He marked the channel between Bali and Lombok as the divide between two great zoo geographic regions, the Oriental and Australian.
In his honor this dividing line, which extends northwards between the islands of
Borneo and Sulawesi, is still referred to today as Wallace's Line.
The very first island of the Australian region is Gili Trawangan.
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